Dorothy's Derby Chronicles agent, TSB & Co, is meeting with publishers and producers now. They are excited about bringing roller derby to the tween market. If you haven’t already, check out Dorothy's blog, share it with friends and download the first chapter. Chapter 2 is coming soon! Slugs and hisses.
Dorothy’s Derby Chronicles fan Cloey (left) chummed it up with Dangerous Leigh A’zon of the Rocky Mountain Rollergirls at Denver’s free preview of Whip It! While fans Avery and Amanda handed out Dorothy stickers at the premier at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
Tween Summit, Washington DC
Clockwise from top: Author Meghan Dougherty with illustrator Alece Birnbach at the Tween Summit in DC, Meghan gives Slugs and Hisses stickers to excited DDC fans, DDC fan Sarah Callahan promotes DDC to fellow Tween Summit attendees, DDC fan Shae enjoying the sponsor room at the Tween Summit.